Mysql – Error # 1045 – Cannot Log in to MySQL server -> phptheadmin


We have installed PHPMyAdmin on a windows machine running IIS 7.0.
We are able to connect to MySQL using command-line, But we are not able to connect using PHPMyAdmin.
The error displayed is: Error #1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server.
Can somebody please help?

PHP Version 5.4.0
mysqlnd 5.0.10 - 20111026 - $Revision: 323634 $

I followed the link below with no success, mean i changed that password but phpmyadmin still has that error…
C. Resetting the Root Password: Windows Systems


Best Answer

Try te following:

1) Login to MySQL server using your console

2) update mysql.user set PASSWORD=PASSWORD('newpassword') where User='root';

3) flush privileges;

4) service mysql restart

See if you can access your databases using phpmyadmin. It would be nice if you did provide more information.