Mysql – From a shell script, how can I check whether a MySQL database exists


mysqladmin -uroot create foo returns an exit status of 1 if foo exists, and 0 otherwise, but of course it will also create the database if it doesn't already exist. Is there some easy way to simply check whether a database exists?

Best Answer

I realize this was answered a long time ago, but it seems much cleaner to me to do this:

mysql -u root -e 'use mydbname'

If the database exists, this will produce no output and exit with returncode == 0.

If the database does not exist, this will produce an error message on stderr and exit with returncode == 1. So you'd do something like this:

if ! mysql -u root -e 'use mydbname'; then stuff to create database...

This operates nicely with shell scripts, doesn't require any processing of the output, and doesn't rely on having local filesystem access.