Mysql – High load with low CPU usage and low IO usage on Solaris with ZFS and MySQL


I have a Solaris 10 x86_64 system running MySQL 5.5. Under heavy usage times, we're getting very slow responses from the database: slow queries running into minutes that normally return in sub-second times. CPU utilization is in the 60-70% range. Load average regularly gets well into the 20s, infrequently into the 40s, and I've seen it up to the 50s. (Two four-core CPUs with HyperThreading enabled.) It acts like an I/O problem, as if it's waiting on disks to write, but I'm not seeing any indications that there is any actual I/O problem. Average disk wait times are consistently 0, average wait queues are in the 0.2-0.3 range, and disk busy percentages occasionally creep into the 15% area. (All of this as according to sar.)

The storage is a zfs zpool of 5 zdev mirrors of two SAS drives. I do not have an intent log device, but I don't see that as being an issue with this workload.

What am I missing?

Best Answer

Wanted to give you a more Solaris-like answer:

On a multiprocessor/multicore box you cannot really use CPU load for much. Initially use mpstat rather than prstat / top if you want to see if one of your cores occasionally gets into full utilization.

If mpstat has 8 lines of output it means you have 8 CPU cores and then any process that you see in prstat consuming more than 12.5% CPU resources (100/8) is likely to be CPU bound. To test if this is really so you can use prstat -L -p <pid> to see if any individual thread of that process hits 12.5% because then you know for sure that the process is CPU bound. You have quite a few available CPU cores on your box yet you should always remember that any single processing thread can only live on one CPU core. In order for MySQL to utilize your box it becomes a matter of how good it is to divide the work on multiple threads. If there's a single hot thread in MySQL then your powerful machine doesn't help much.

Also you can find quite a few people that will advise to turn Intel HyperThreading off on Linux/Solaris server-workload because it actually performs better without it. YMMM. From what I understand Intel HyperThreading is excellent for the desktop type of workload but for a server that is only supposed to do one thing and do that fast it may work detrimental to performance.

There are at least a dozen routes you can go from here so it is somewhat difficult to advise you before you have more facts.