MySQL Replication – How Fast is MySQL Replication Performance?


I'm considering setting up replication of our mysql db to be able to have local slaves in each of our branch offices, while having the master in the main office to improve application performance (significantly) at our branch offices.

The db itself isn't that large (<1gb) but I'm wondering; considering 200-300 record updates/min tops: how fast is replication? (assuming, first, a 5mb generic dsl connection, faster if necessary – trying to keep costs as low as possible but the money is there for more)

Are whole tables replicated in batches? Is the replication done, on demand, as each record in a table is updated (from the docs, I think I'm seeing that it's configurable)?


  • I'm thinking 1 master, 2 slaves (2 branch offices for now) setup as in the docs here except that it's an app, not a web client
  • Any update done on the master needs to replicate to the other slaves in <10 mins.
  • All of this assumes that I can get our ORM (DevExpress XPO) happy with the concept of reading from the slave and writing to the master.

Best Answer

MySQL replication happens as close to real-time as possible, as limited by disk and network I/O. The slaves open a socket to the master, which is kept open. When a transaction occurs on the master, it gets recorded in the binlog, and is simply replayed on the slave(s). If the socket between master and slave is interrupted, the binlog is replayed for the slave upon the next successful connection.

Multi-master replication does the same thing, but in both directions.

Some basic calculations will assist you in making a better determination of your bandwidth needs.

Average transaction size * number of slaves * updates/minute = bandwidth needed

Hope this helps.