How to Change MySQL wait_timeout in Production


I'm running Windows, IIS, MySQL, PHP.

In my.ini under [mysqld] the value for wait_timeout is set to 60.

wait_timeout = 60

But when I execute the following:

show variables like 'wait_timeout';

It shows me that the value is 28800, which I know is the default.

So I tried to set the value by executing the following:

SET GLOBAL wait_timeout = 60;

But this doesn't seem to work. MySql Workbench tells me "0 rows(s) affected" and when I execute show variables like 'wait_timeout' it still tells me that the value is 28800.

I've also checked interactive_timeout and the story is the same. The value is 28800 and I can't change it.

What am I missing here?

Best Answer

The answer is to set the value without the GLOBAL keyword.

SET wait_timeout = 60;
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