Mysql – how to diagnose a remote thesql database connection


Our company hosts our server off site through another company who provides web hosting.

I ftp and plesk control panel as means of accessing. Plesk control panel has phpMyAdmin installed so that I can interface with the database "directly".

I've download MySQL query browser and I've been attempting to connect to the database server using that with no luck.

I recieve a MySQL Error Number 2003 when trying to connnect using MySQL query builder. I've read that error code could mean anything from a wrong port to username and password.

Is there a better way to diagnose why I can't connect?

Best Answer

Error 2003 indicates that the connection has been refused. This could be because a firewall blocks it, or because the mysql server is configured only to allow unix socket connections which can only be local, or only local ip connections via the interface.

You need to examine the mysql configuration file in /etc to see how it is configured if you have the access rights for it. Otherwise you probably will not be able to change it anyway, since you might need to change this file if it is configured in this way.

However, you should be very careful if you allow remote connections, since they could also be a security problem.