Mysql – How to enable telnet with port 3306 during Master to master replication on MySQL Server


I am trying to do Master to Master Replication in Windows Server 2008. I am successfully able to replicate all the database of Master 1 to Master 2. But I am unable to replicate the changes made on Master 2 to Master 1. Later on I found that, I can telnet to Master 1 from Master 2 with port 3306 but I am not able on telnet from Master 1 to Master 2.

When I check netstat on both Master. I found the following result. I couldn't publish my public IP so I put name as Master 1 and Master 2 for their respective IP

Master 1


Active Connections

  Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State
  TCP    Master 1:3306          Master 2:61566      ESTABLISHED
  TCP    Master 1:3389          My remote:56053     ESTABLISHED
  TCP         Master 1:60675      ESTABLISHED
  TCP         Master 1:60712      ESTABLISHED
  TCP        Master 1:3306       ESTABLISHED
  TCP        Master 1:3306       ESTABLISHED

Master 2


Active Connections

  Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State
  TCP    Master 2:3389        My remote:56124     ESTABLISHED
  TCP    Master 2:61566       Master 1:3306       ESTABLISHED
  TCP    Master 2:61574       bil-sc-cm02:http    ESTABLISHED
  TCP       Master 2:61562      ESTABLISHED
  TCP       Master 2:61563      ESTABLISHED
  TCP      Master 2:3306       ESTABLISHED
  TCP      Master 2:3306       ESTABLISHED
  TCP      Master 2:3306       TIME_WAIT

All shows that In my master 2, port 3306 is not activate. Now I need solution over here. How can I figure it. Your small suggestion would be million for me.

Thank you



Best Answer

"Telnet" just means you can establish a TCP connection. Don't focus that much on it.

The more important information is in your netstat output. As you can see, the MySQL process on Master2 is only listening on, not on the "Master 2" interface. You will need to configure MySQL to listen to that interface.

On Linux systems, you would edit /etc/my.cnf and change the bind-address parameter to something other than and restart MySQL. I'm unfamiliar with how to do this on Windows, but there should be a similar way to change this parameter (maybe through an admin GUI?).

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