Mysql – How to Migrate from SQL Server 2000 to MySQL

MySQLsql server

I am looking for a way to export data from our PRODUCTION SQL Server 2000 so I can import it into a MySQL server I setup for testing.

I tried having the server generate an SQL script from the enterprise manager, but it is not understood by MySQL. Upon looking to the script with Notepad++ I noticed that it is setup for being loaded into another MSSQL server.

Any ideas on how to make a generic SQL dump that MySQL can understand.

Also I need the data to left on the other server untouched I just need a copy of it.

Best Answer

There is not simplified portability between these database platforms; With an understanding of the link and a combination of tools it can be done;

Make sure to always keep an up to date backup of your database before trying anything. good luck, let me know if you have any questions.