Mysql – How to tell if I have community, enterprise, or standard edition thesql


We are in the process of upgrading our servers and I was asked about the version of mysql we have currently (as we would like to stick with the same type, just upgrade the version). I need to know which edition I have installed. Here's the information I got when I ran SHOW VARIABLES;

protocol_version    10
version 5.0.67
version_comment SUSE MySQL RPM
version_compile_machine x86_64
version_compile_os  suse-linux-gnu

EDIT I also found the license in the variables, which says GPL

Best Answer

Normally, the version and version_comment would have this information, and STATUS command would also show them combined in Server version:, e.g.

Server version:         5.0.67-standard MySQL Community Edition - Standard     (GPL)

However, you are using version that comes from SUSE RPM repository; it's community edition.

You could check that with (shell, not SQL) command rpm -q mysql. The name of the package might actually contain mysqlXX-community-release-... to confirm that.

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