Mysql – Install wordpress using amazon RDS


Now this is weird!

I am trying to install a WordPress website on a Amazon EC2 server with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and [amazon RDS][1] database service.

I have installed apache and wphp and ran the required tests (again and again actually) if something is wrong there.

But when I go to the root of WordPress folder (also the root of the server i .e. folder "www") I get this error

Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress.

Yes this is pretty obvious because I don't want to install MySQL on my system.

The funny thing is I tried searching it online and there are examples of tons of WordPress websites running on RDS and I couldnt find a single page with this issue.

Any solutions/suggestions?

Is is that i'll have to install MySQL on my system even though I don't want to use it . Doesn't it skip the whole point?

Thanks in advance

Edit : I didn't even reach create configuration file page. The index.php file pretty much showed this error and nothing else.

here is the tutorial i was following :
check out slide 16 it never mentions installing mysql

Best Answer

You don't need to install MySQL server, but you do need the client-side stuff for PHP.

apt-get install php5-mysql should do the trick.

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