Mysql – install_driver(thesql) failed: Unable to get DBI state function. DBI not loaded


I installed OTRS from a rpm and the web installer /orts/ stops with:

Error during AJAX communication. Status: error, Error: Internal Server

Apache error_log

install_driver(mysql) failed: Unable to get DBI state function. DBI
not loaded.


DBD::mysql…………………..FAILED! Not all prerequisites for this module correctly installed.
YAML::XS…………………….Not installed! (required – use "perl -MCPAN -e shell;" – )

But sudo zypper install perl-DBD-mysql-4.021-27.2.x86_64.rpm has Nothing to do. and mysql configuration is set as the manual requested.

System is SLES 11 SP2 (x86_64) and special thing: No internet connection!

I guess the question is: Why doesn't perl find DBI:mysql while it's installed?




Could I have installed the wrong rpm?

Best Answer

This error message does mean that perl can't find the DBD::mysql module. So if the rpm package is installed, this leads me to think that you might not be using the system perl.

Can you show us:

which perl

and also:

/usr/bin/perl /opt/otrs/bin/

In general it is not a good idea to install your own perl on top of the existing system perl. This can break other installed packages that expect a certain perl version.

If you want to use different perls on your system, use tools like plenv or perlbrew

Also, OTRS typically works with the system perl on SLES 11.

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