Mysql – Load balancing – Multiple servers, different locations

load balancingMySQL

I've been scaling out a service very rapidly, and have found a problem in the way I've been balancing the load. My servers do not need a perfectly even distribution, so I was simply using a round robin DNS setup to direct clients to the servers.

However, it is very important that a client not be bounced between servers, and I've found that many of the clients running their software on Ubuntu do NOT cache the DNS result they receive, so they are constantly changing which server they communicate with.

Is there any way to force a DNS record to stick to them, or will I have to begin looking at a software or hardware load balancer? My concern is the latency of a load balancer. If the LB is in the US and the client is directed to the UK, my understanding is the client will always have to connect to the US load balancer before being redirected to the UK.

Best Answer

Unfortunately, there is no way to force a DNS record to stick to a particular user. A load balancer could track a user's session and always send them to the same server. However, it seems that you're running into issues with geographically separated application instances.

In this case, your best bet would to have the following setup:

  • Have a subdomain for each geographic area you want to represent that contains the IPs for servers in that area. and
  • Have a web server handling the record, or whatever users typically type in, that utilizes a Geographic lookup system (such as GeoIP) to redirect users to the appropriate subdomain.

Using this architecture, an initial HTTP request for a user in the US would look something like this:

  1. User requests
  2. Server handling looks up geographic area of user.
  3. Server determines that user is in the US.
  4. Server redirects user to
  5. User's browser accepts redirect, and all subsequent requests go to

This setup will require a total of at least 3 servers. One handling US requests, one handling UK requests, and one that handles redirecting users to the US/UK sites.