Mysql – OpenLDAP MySQL Integration – Database Location for OpenLDAP back-sql metadata mapping tables


I am trying to configure and OpenLDAP server on Ubuntu 10.04 to use a mysql database as its datasource. I am following the guides about the back-sql and realize that in order to map mysql schema with ldap schme i need to use the metadata mapping tables.

ldap_entry_objclasses and

However most samples indicates database and ldap server being on the same location. Is it possible to create and use the mapping tables in a different database from the datasource i want to map with OpenLDAP? (in a different host database server e.g. in the LDAP server host)


Best Answer

OpenLDAP rely on ODBC for connecting to the MySQL, you should configure in /etc/odbc.ini something like:

driver = MySQL
Database = database_name
Server =
User = username
Password = mypassword

Change the Server attribute.

As a side note: since ODBC configuration may vary on different distributions, take always a look at the documentation shipped with your OpenLDAP and odbc package available in /usr/share/doc/*

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