Mysql – PHP Runs Very Slow on IIS7. Need Help optimizing our config


Am running a PHP based web app on our Windows 2008 cloud-based server. The app, which runs fine outside of our environment (e.g. a different IIS server), but is VERY slow in our environment. Based on googling this is a relatively common situation.

I installed PHP and MySQL via the IIS web deployment method…

Here's our setup:

  • Windows 2008 Server Enterprise SP2 (32-bit)
  • Microsoft-IIS/7.0
  • MySQL client version: mysqlnd 5.0.8-dev – 20102224 $Revision: 321634 $
  • PHP extension: mysqli
  • Update for IIS 7.0 FastCGI
  • Windows Cache Extension 1.1 for PHP 5.3

I had read elsewhere that ipv6 might be an issue, so I turned this off on the network adapter.

The app is using: localhost as its connection

Be easy on me, as I'm a bit green about some of these components… Also, rewriting the PHP app or modifying it is NOT an option. I'm reasonably SURE that our config is the issue.

Best Answer

I had a similar issue. Migrated a php app from iis6 to iis8, and on iis8 was very very slow!

Solution: In the application itself, point it to as the mysql server name (rather than localhost). Seems that there are either resolution issues or IPv6 issues related to using the host name localhost. solves.

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