Mysql – PHP thesqlnd on Debian 6


I've installed php5-mysqlnd via:

apt-get install php5-mysqlnd

This is a brand new virgin Debian install with just apache2 and php5 via:

apt-get install apache2
echo "deb unstable main contrib non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
apt-get install php5 php5-dev php5-cli libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mysqlnd

When I do a phpinfo() it shows that mysqlnd is being used.

My question is, where do I place config details to specify the master/slave details so I can use automatic load balancing and read/write splitting?

I've read and followed:

I appended:


To /etc/php5/conf.d/10-mysqlnd.ini

Which now reads:

; configuration for php MySQL module
; priority=10


Unfortunately these settings don't seem to have made any difference as I cannot do a mysql_connect() using the hostname "myapp" as the section name I configured in /etc/php5/mysqlnd_ms_plugin.ini as:

    "myapp": {
        "master": {
            "master_0": {
                "host": "",
                "port": "3306"
        "slave": {
            "slave_0": {
                "host": "",
                "port": "3306"

Can anyone shed light on where I have gone wrong with the config and what I can do to get it working so I can connect using read/write splitting using my replicated DBs?

EDIT: After the comment below I realised I hadn't actually added the mysqlnd_ms plugin. After attempting to install this plugin via pecl I get an error about mysqlnd.h missing.

Best Answer

you not only need php5-mysqlnd but also mysqlnd_ms plugin ( installed.