Mysql – Previous Version of theSQL on apt-get


I'm trying to download a previous version of mysql-server (5.5.28-0ubuntu0.12.04.2) using apt-get, but I can't seem to find the source list with the version that I want.

I've done apt-get update to try to update my source list, but when I do apt-cache madison mysql-server all it shows is 5.5.22 and 5.5.40. and when i try to put in all sorts of version numbers
apt-get install mysql-server=xxx (5.5.26, 5.5.28-0ubuntu0.12.04.2, etc.) all it tells me is that that version was not found. Is there a website with apt-get source lists for previous versions of programs? Or am I typing in the version number incorrectly? Thank you in advanced for your help!

Best Answer

Installing the MySQL "linux generic" binary (pre-compiled, not "source") distribution from the tarballs is painfully straightforward... you extract the tarball, cd into the directory, and start it, and multiple versions coexist on the same machine, in different directories, with no conflict... On Ubuntu, the only noteworthy dependency is libaio1, which you already likely have.

But, if you really want to use the package manager, the old version deb files (or rpm, or source) are still downloadable... as well as the binaries:

These won't likely be the same exact thing apt-get would find, since these are the "official" releases, and many distros build their own, so the default install directories may be different.