Mysql – Problems with enabling MySQL binary logging in Windows


I am trying to enable binary logging on my Windows based MySQL server. I can enable it on my Linux system, but I keep getting errors when trying to invoke mysqld.exe with the –log-bin option.

c:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin>mysqld.exe –log-bin[=c:\mysqlbinlog]

100919 15:45:29 [Warning] '–default-character-set' is deprecated and will be re
moved in a future release. Please use '–character-set-server' instead.

Edit: Turns out I had forgot to restart MySQL server. I thought I had, but some other syntax errors caused it to fault, which I in turn corrected. Thanks for replies, not sure how I should mark this as solved.

Best Answer

This is not an error message, it is just a warning. Your binary logs should work just fine. I would recommend to keep the binary logs somewhere else, probably together with the databases, and definitely not in the root of the C:\ drive.

If you want to get rid of the warning message, have a look at your server config file and change the option for the "default-character-set" into one using "character-set-server".