MySQL RDS Write IOPS high


One of my client is having RDS MySQL DB for which write IOPS is high when compared to read IOPS. Tried increasing CPU and Memory to 8 and 61 GB respectively, but still it is the same. This is a small e-commerce application, which is not so popular. I checked DB connections, it always moves from 5 – 20. I am not a DB expert, but I checked Innodb file size and like wise parameters and everything looks the default value.

Can someone give me an idea on what could be the issue – whether its something with respect to infrastructure or maybe because of bad coding/sql queries.? In either case are there any inputs to reduce this write IOPS.

FYI, DB size is 50 GB total with provisioned IOPS up to 1000. Single largest table size is ~ 500 MB.

Any help would be really appreciated.

DB Connections – DB Connections
Write IOPS – Write IOPS
read IOPS – read IOPS

Best Answer

From my (still limited) understanding the IOPS numbers reflect disk I/O and not operations in general.

With this is mind I think the following applies:

  • Every write operation to the DB (i.e. any INSERT, UPDATE etc. statement) updates the data in memory and also triggers a write operation to disk (to persist the data)
  • Read operations (i.e. SELECT statements) however can mostly be served from memory (especially with smaller datasets) and therefore do not cause any disk read operations.