MySQL Replication – IP Failover


So, I setup master-slave replication in MySQL on two virtual machines in two different physical servers. The problem that I am scratching my head at now, is, when the master goes down, how do the clients switch to the slave to do reads?

For example:

Master (
Slave  (

All clients currently connect to, how in the world do I configure this? Seems like I need IP-Failover, or some DNS magic. A DNS magic record that was that always pointed to the MySQL server that is up or master, would be perfect.

Best Answer

You can use Heartbeat : It can manage a virtual IP address between your two nodes. Your clients will use this vip to connect to mysql - If the master fails, heartbeat detects it and ups the vip on the second node. Be careful not to set the auto-failover on the primary node when it comes back, because obviously his data will be outdated