MySQL replication Slave_IO_Running: No


I have two servers that I am trying to get replication of one database between. I found a setup guide on sourceforge that I followed and I have tried various other settings since then, but no matter what I do, when I start the slave, the 'Slave_IO_Running' setting is always No….

I have no idea why or what to look at, any suggestions are appreciated.

The slave setup was:

CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='', MASTER_USER='slave_user', 'MASTER_PASSWORD='mypassword', 'MASTER_LOG_FILE='mysql-bin.000011', MASTER_LOG_POS=1368363

(last data from today, trying to do setup again. I deleted and recreated the database on the slave from a new dump and tried to redo the setup.)

I have slave_user setup for %, localhost, and the specific IP of the slave computer but nothing seems to be working…

Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestions

Best Answer

As previously suggested, look in the var directory for the .err file. If it shows nothing, what if you issue: show slave status\G, it should print a line with the error.

Further to this, if you have the SQL thread running but the IO thread stopped, this suggests there's a problem in the communication between your slave and your master. From you "CHANGE MASTER" line, you are not specifying the port number. MySQL defaults to 3306, but are you running the server on that port? Also, is that file you are specifying, mysql-bin.000011 available in the master? And the master can read it, right?

Last, did you grant permissions for the replication user? (as in, have you done it properly, as MySQL manual specifies).

And, apart from this, don't know what else to check, maybe would sniff the network to see if there's any traffic, or just execute mysqlbinlog mysql-bin.000011 to see everything is fine there at that position.