Mysql – safer way to stop thesql(d)


I'm running very hard php script on my cheap virtual machine, which has about half million page views a week so it's a bit problematic. I restart my mysql twice a day. That wouldn't be problem, but when restarting mysql

/etc/init.d/mysql restart

it restarts and then it sometimes says that Table './forum/phpbb_posts' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed

This table has nothing to do with that hard script, however it's 250 000 (1.8 gig) table which seems to crash. It takes about 14 minutes to repair that one.

Is there a safer way to stop mysql? I know I should do backups, and I do so, but only once a day and datas are still growing (not fast these days)

Currently running on Debian GNU/Linux 6.0

Best Answer

503 the website to stop activity (.htaccess maintenance mode) and start top to monitor mysqld cpu usage

mysqladmin -p flush-tables

watch mysql activity (may take several minutes, depending on your installation) and when it tapers off

mysqladmin -p flush-tables

to just be sure and then

mysqladmin -p shutdown

This sequence ensures that your website ceases to create more database requests, tells mysql to flush data in memory and transaction log files to the database tables and then initiates a proper database daemon shutdown.