MYSQL Scheduled backups


I have mysql installed on my web server, which I am accessing using PHPMyAdmin. My client asked me following:

  1. Install PhpBB
  2. Setup MYSQL Scheduled backup

I have installed PhpBB successfully but hwo to do the 2nd one. I am using PhpMyAdmin to access mysql database, and I don't see any scheduling type of facility in phpmyadmin as well as in phpbb.

What should I do here? Please help me, Thanks!

Best Answer

Automation can be done by creating CRON jobs on your server. The following link has complete example code to backup the database automatically


First write a script that uses mysqldump command to backup your database and store in specific directory.Now we are going to automate the process by executing this script at a particular time everyday.

Execute the following command as root user

[root@vasu /]# crontab -e

This allows you to edit the crontab file for a user. It has six fields they are



3.Day of Month


5.Day of Week

6.Command to be executed

Add the following line to the crontab file and close it.

[root@vasu /]# crontab -e
39  19  *  *  * 
crontab: installing new crontab
[root@vasu /]#

Now your script will be executed 39 minutes, 19th hour everyday. If u want to see the list of cronjobs for a user, then execute

[root@vasu /]# crontab -l
39 19 * * * :

mysqldump -h hostname -u userbane -ppassword dbname > path/to/directory/backupname.sql