Mysql – Server with multiple replicate=do-db entries


I have a server that someone has setup which are acting as a master-master on both servers. Since they have been configured as both master on the same database, changes in one end has caused all sorts of issues on the other.

On one of the master is displaying two databases in the replication-do-db when I do SHOW MASTER STATUS which is rather odd.

Here's the entry in my system that's of concern:

Replicate_Do_DB: db1,db2,d1,db2

MySQL Version is 5.1, I'm looking for a way to change the replication filter. CHANGE REPLICATION FILTER seems to only apply to version 5.5.

And you explain to me what I need to do to recover from this scenario ? Thank you.

Best Answer

Have you tried changing it from /etc/my.cnf


Also check what is the value in binlog-do-db. Ensure that you are not using same database names in both replicate-do-db and binlog-do-db