Mysql – Should I enable SSL on the MySQL database with Cloud SQL


I was wondering if I should enable SSL with my Cloud SQL (Google Cloud Platform) instance. I communicate with the database via a Laravel (PHP) application and specified that the IP address of my server (hosted on DigitalOcean) only has access to the Cloud SQL instance.

My thought was, even if I enable SSL, anyone who has access to the server can query the database in some sort of way, because the SSL certificates are on the server. So does enabling SSL make any sense? Does it make it more secure? Or is it safe to be off?

Thanks for your time and answers.

Best Answer

Using SSL is critical if you don't want anyone to watch or intercept your traffic. Secure connection enables you to hide your DB queries and transactions. This can be determined by your application and type of data you are exchanging and whether you trust the network or not.

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