Mysql – Should I force the users to change passwords every n days/weeks/month


Question says it all. We are designing a system where security is very important. One of the ideas someone had was to force users to change passwords every 3 months. My take on this is that while its more secure because the password changes often it also forces our users to remember ever changing passwords and makes it more possible that they will just write it down somewhere to help remember.

In the same idea is it really good to force users to use a super hard to guess password. Force them to use ?%&% and uppercase lowercase letters. I know its quite the hassle to invent such a password and then remembering it.

Then again we do not want anyone using 12345.

So. Is there any whitepapers about this subject? Good practice?

I am talking about a website created with PHP. MySQL in a lamp environment if that changes anything.

Best Answer

I think I might be in the minority on this (based on my limited experience dealing with IT departments at school and work), but I think mandatory, time-based password change policies are worthless at best, and harmful at worst. People tend to be very bad at choosing good passwords and keeping them secret. Password expiration policies are designed to mitigate this by limiting the amount of time any one password can be cracked/social engineered/stolen; however, they fail to achieve this in practice, primarily because they force users to relearn their password on a continuous basis. By making it harder for user to commit their passwords to memory, you end up causing many of them to choose weaker passwords, and/or write their passwords down someplace where prying eyes can find them.

Furthermore, when forced to change their password on a regular basis, many users will choose passwords that follow a very recognizable pattern, such as [base string][digit]. Let's say a user wants to use their cat's name Fluffy as their password. They might start out with a password of fluffy, then change it to fluffy1, fluffy2, fluffy3 and so on. In this case, the policy doesn't really help security; even if the user chooses a more secure base string than fluffy, and even if they keep their password safely memorized, the single suffix character that changes every few months does very little to mitigate cracking or social engineering attacks.

See also: Password Expiration Considered Harmful, a short article (not written by me) which I think gives a good introduction to these problems.

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