Mysql – Should I install 32-bit database or 64-bit database


(I've read a lot about 64-bit versus 32-bit OS/Apps, but this question is specifically in regards to databases.)

I'm trying to understand the pros and cons of 32-bit versus 64-bit databases, and namely, under what conditions that it starts to make sense to use 64-bit installations.

The database systems that I am interested in are: SQL Server 2008, MySQL, and PostgreSQL 9.0.

I have read that pre-9.0 versions of PostgreSQL only comes in 32-bit for Windows, and this article about running 32-bit PostgreSQL on 64-bit Windows clears up some of my confusion, but I'm looking for more info.

When would I benefit from using 64-bit databases (i.e. database size/disk space, available system memory, types of data sernarios that are known to benefit from it, which database engine being used, etc.)?

Best Answer

under what conditions that it starts to make sense to use 64-bit installations. Sorry - what good would be installing a 32 bit database on a 64 bit server? And - imagine - SERVER 2008R2 is ONLY available in 64 bit.

There is - today - no scenario where it makes sense to install a 32 bit SQL Server version if one has a chance.

Databases are specific in this - as they want to use a lot of memory as cache if necessary. A lot more than the meager 2gb / 3gb a 32 bit process can give them. PAE is not the same. Even ignoring limits, PAE memory is not equal to real memory for a SQL ServerĀ“(it is only used for ONE thing - caching db pages).

32 bit OS - is on the same level. it makes no sense on modern hardware at all to install a 32 bit OS.