MySQL shut down it self periodically


I recently bought 512MB, 2.2GHz, 20GB SSD – VPS Server and installed Debian Wheezy 64-bit and it is used as WEB Server.
I have installed Apache2, PHP, MySQL, ClamAV, Anti-DDoS, Spam Assain, Postfix, Dovecot and Webmin.
Everything is running great except MySQL server which get closed unexpectedly every few hours or minutes sometimes.

I have experienced the same problem on Ubuntu based VPS server with only 256MB RAM long time ago and I fixed it somehow, but I do not remember how, so now I really need help.

Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

You are probably running into Linux OOM Killer. Try this:

grep -i memory /var/log/syslog

Also, add the output of

free -mt

You may consider buying a larger memory instance or configuring swap space. Alternatively, remove some of the software you have installed.


Try adding/editing my.cnf to say:

innodb_buffer_pool_size = 128M

Then restart mysql.

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