Mysql – the best way to take backup of live thesql database for MyIsam tables


I don't want to convert the tables to InnoDB what is the best way to take safe backup of my live site?

I've gone thru many posts in this site. I think there isn't unless we down the site in case of MyIsam. For InnoDB we can use –single-transaction.

I've been using mysqldump till now. But for live forums it may be risky to restore.
It seems mysqldump does lock the tables but one by one which can corrupt the database tables.

I'm wondering what could be the best way to do using single command!

Best Answer

One of the options is to set up replication and perform mysqldump on the slave server with --lock-tables. Alternative option is to stop the slave server for the time of the backup, copy/archive the data and then restart the mysql. This way you avoid mysqldump/restore procedure which is time-consuming for big data sets.