MySQL – The server quit without updating PID file


I have installed MySQL 5.6.16 on Debain 7.4.

But i encountered problems with starting mysql, where every time i start mysql i get this error:

The server quit without updating PID file (/var/run/mysqld/ ... failed!

After a lot of googling i saw that i should rename/move my.cnf file from /etc/mysql to see if mysql starts. And it start and stop without problems, but if try to connect to database with my software i get this:

Caught database OperationalError: (2002, "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)")

Then i tried adding/deleting everything from /var/run/mysqld and adding users and groups but nothing changes.

And i can't find any log files from mysql even setting them up in my.cnf.

This is my.cnf file from /etc/mysql Pastebin

Best Answer

I encountered a similar problem. In my case, it was a missing PID file. So I had to manually kill the MySQL process and then restart it. The PID file was then created when I restarted MySQL.

Here's a great post that may help you: