Mysql – thesql 5.5 character encoding in Amazon RDS


I recently setup mysql 5.5.20 database in Amazon RDS with movable type but actual character encoding doesn't take effect. I change the parameter group setting to utf8 like below.

character-set-client-handshake = yes
character_set_client  = utf8
character_set_connection = utf8
character_set_database = utf8
character_set_filesystem = binary
character_set_results = utf8
character_set_server = utf8
collation_connection = utf8_general_ci
collation_server = utf8_general_ci
init_connect = SET NAMES utf8

When I build Movable Type 5.13 database table encodeing is cp1252_West_Europe and collation is labeled latin1_swedish_ci but actually should be UTF-8 Unicode and utf8_general_ci

What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

Okay I got it.

RDS by default sets its encoding to latin8 ignoring the parameter group that you created. So I just needed to delete the first DB that you have to set from the AWS dashboard.

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