Mysql – thesql won’t start on FreeBSD


We recently picked up a client that has a site hosted on a FreeBSD box. The stack is FAMP. Things were chugging along just fine until recently mysql seems to have stopped running.

There is no mysql log under /var/log/mysql.log.

service mysql-server status says mysql is not running.

service mysql-server start says Starting mysql. but it doesn't actually start.

Where do I start to find out what happened and how to get mysql up and running again?

Best Answer

The default location for the log file (which usually has a .err extension) is the same place as the database, which defaults to /var/db/mysql/.

But of course all of these can be changed in the master configuration file my.cnf which mysqld will look for in a number of locations including /etc/.

You may need to locate it with:

find / -name "my.cnf"

Also, check /etc/rc.conf as it may contain some command line parameters used when starting the service.