MySQL – Mysqldump Ignore Table with Wildcard


I need to take a dump of a database containing 50 odd tables of which I want to exclude about 15 odd that have prefix exam_

I tried mysqldump --ignore-table=dbname.exam_* and even tried --ignore-table=dbname.exam_%
It didn't work as expected. I had to use --ignore-table multiple times.

Edit: I have seen a few shell scripts that list tables not like tablename_% and pass it to mysqldump.

However, I would like to know if there is an option in mysqldump or mysql, as such to do the same without having to script it.

Edit-add: Eventually used a script to dump DB excluding tables, using ignore-table= multiple times.

Best Answer

No, there is no option like that in the mysqldump command, as the docs say:


Do not dump the given table, which must be specified using both the
database and table names. To ignore multiple tables, use this option
multiple times. This option also can be used to ignore views.