Mysql – thesqldump to a tar.gz


Usually after dumping a MySQL database with mysqldump command I immediately tar/gzip the resultant file. I'm looking for a way to do this in one command:

So from this:

mysqldump dbname -u root -p > dbname.sql
tar czvf dbname.sql.tgz dbname.sql
rm dbname.sql

To something like this:

mysqldump dbname -u root -p > some wizardry > dbname.sql.tgz

Or even better (since I'm usually scp'ing the dump file to another server):

mysqldump dbname -u root -p > send dbname.sql.tgz to user@host

I'm running bash on debian.

Best Answer

mysqldump --opt <database> | gzip -c | ssh user@wherever 'cat > /tmp/yourfile.sql.gz'

You can't use tar in a pipe like this, and you don't need it anyway, as you're only outputting a single file. tar is only useful if you have multiple files.