Mysql – Tomcat does not recognize the MySQL .jar library


I tried several different ways such that Tomcat loads the MySQL drivers when running my web application. I'm using Ubuntu 8.04, and the libraries come from the libmysql-java package. They are located in the directory shown below:

~$ ls /usr/share/java/mysql*

My CLASSPATH includes this file:

~$ echo $CLASSPATH

I even put a copy of the .jar file in my WEB-INF/lib/ directory in my web app:

/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ohms/WEB-INF/lib$ ls

After making these changes, I restart Tomcat, re-compile my classes, restart Tomcat again. Also, I am importing the necessary libraries using import java.sql.*;

However I am still getting the java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver error when it runs the line Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance();

What am I doing wrong here?

Best Answer

Tomcat does not use the CLASSPATH in the webapp's classloader. You can add paths and files to the common.loader line in conf/ The classloader should have found the class when the jar was in WEB-INF/lib. I can't explain why it hasn't. If you are using 5.5, you can place the jar in common/lib or lib/ if you're using tomcat6. This path is loaded by a higher level classloader and should be picked up first.

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