Mysql – Transfering BLOBS on a MSSQL -> MySQL Linked Server

linked-serverMySQLsql server

Working on setting up a new MySQL database for a website, and I'm trying to figure out how to transfer over long strings.
I have quite a few MSSQL tables that have Varchars ranging from 500 to 2000.
Obviously in MySQL these have to be stored in a Text field, which is a BLOB.
If I query a table on the MySQL with a Text field, it seems to return the data just fine. But if I Try to do an Insert into the table with the Text field, it returns an error saying [OLE/DB provider returned message: Query-based insertion or updating of BLOB values is not supported.]

Is there a way to make this work, or will I have to do it by flatfile transfer?

Best Answer

So, after looking around a lot, I noticed that there are two versions of the ODBC Connector, 3.51.28, and 5.1.8 ( ).

Not sure why they are maintaining two versions, but whatever. Installed it, reset it up in DNS, and was able to insert 1000+ character string in.

Now hopefully there aren't any other bugs with this new one.

On a side note for future generations, when I set it up in the DNS I didn't check any of the boxes in Details options. I don't know if there are any that need to be checked, but I guess I'll figure that out when something doesn't work.

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