Transferring Data Between SQL Server and MySQL – How to Guide

MySQLsql server

We host a couple of SQL Servers where we are planning to upgrade the environment (still classic asp). We are looking whether to move to a LAMP (or WAMP) environment instead of just following the default route to .net.

If we had a MySQL server and SQL Servers (during a transition period) – what options exist for transferring data between the two?

I don't mean doing a one-off migration – if for example data were still being captured on the SQL Server and we needed to move this data onto the MySQL daily (or ideally more frequently) for some reports process, what options are open to us? Are we limited to scripts to export to csv/txt?

And if we needed to move data the other way, what's available?

Best Answer


You could use some VBScript on the SQL Server and write data to MySQL using an ODBC or ADO.Net link. You'd have to manage the "replication" manually though i.e. your script would have to figure out what to create/update/delete in the MySQL database.

I believe there are SQL Server drivers for unix, so you could run a script on the unix box. However I'm outside my comfort zone here.


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