Mysql – Trying to connect to database via Putty with jump box


I'm trying to use Putty to create a tunnel that MySQL Workbench can connect through.

Steps I take:

  1. In putty, create a connection to Jumpbox
  2. In SSH:Auth add my pem file and allow agent forwarding
  3. Add the pem file to pageant
  4. In SSH:Tunnels add the Source port 3307, add the destination as the Database server address in the cluster (that the Jumpbox forwards to)
  5. Connect to the Jumpbox – this is successful

Then in MySQLWorkbench, try and connect to the database at localHost:3307

This fails.

Can anyone enlighten me on how to create a SSH connection via a JumpBox using Putty or find where the problem might be?

Best Answer

This worked

ssh  -i KEY -L 3006: -N ubuntu@jump-box