Mysql – update MySQL through YUM repository without data loss/corruption? Should I be nervous


I do not have much experience with upgrading software on a Linux system but am of course familiar with 'yum update' commands. I am currently running a Media Temple DV 3.5 CentOS 5 server with MySQL 5.0.90 running. I want to upgrade to the latest (5.5) because I am looking to start using 'event schedulers', something not available until MySQL 5.1.

I have two respected repositories that are able to provide the yum software update but I am afraid that running the update on the repo could cause data loss, bad table manipulation/recreation, etc.

Any advice on this or past experience doing so?

(note, I would be usign remi and/or webtatic repos for reference to do the updates)

Best Answer

If you're worried, you should do the upgrade process on some other box first, i.e., a dress rehearsal with QA testing. You can set up a staging box using a virtual machine and get the software looking like what you have on your production box. Then dump out your prod data and load it into staging, do the MySQL update and do some testing.

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