MySQL – Warning: IP Address Could Not Be Resolved


I've got MySQL Master/Slave setup and I've noticed the following warnings in the mysql log files on both servers:

[Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Name or service not known

I've checked and the DNS lookups works fine and most of these IPs are from China.

I planning to limit access on port 3306 on the firewall however could you please help me to understand what they are trying to do. Are they just trying to connect to the MySQL server. Where I can look for some more details.


Best Answer

When you create a MySQL user MySQL has to do a reverse lookup on every IP address connecting to it to determine whether they are part of

Of course, there's no restriction on creating reverse lookups, so I can quite happily ask my provider to set the reverse lookup for my IP address to be if I want... or if I happen to know that's what the users in your database have. This won't let me in, as MySQL then does a forward lookup on the returned domain to make sure it matches the same IP address that's connecting.

You can switch this off with skip_name_resolve in your my.cnf. There are many good reasons for doing this.

The reason you are getting this error is that the IP address in question has no reverse lookup at all.

You also have malicious attackers from China trying to brute force their way into your database. That should be your top priority.