Mysql – What are the benefits of connecting to MySQL using PHP-PDO’s SSL attribute


I primarily develop PHP applications using MySQL as my database. Generally, the server running the application is on the same box as the MySQL server, though not always.

I was reading in the PHP docs about SSL support and I'm left with these questions:

  1. With the application and database server being in the same (localhost) environment, is it necessary to connect to MySQL using SSL?
  2. Is the benefit of this for when you're accessing information between two servers (application server & a database server)?
  3. What are "best-practices" for using a PDO-SSL connection?
  4. Is it safe to assume that using an SSL certificate for the client/server connection has nothing to do with PDO's SSL connection?

Best Answer

1) Not in most circumstances - you can(should) configure MySQL to be local only so unless someone has admin access to the box or is able to run as the MySQL user the SSL won't make a difference.

2) Absolutely, it prevents man in the middle (someone spoofing your webserver so they can query the database for instance) and sniffing data.

3)Same as with most SSL - use strong encryption (no SHA1), guard your keys, change them regularly etc.

4) Sort of, they don't need to be the same keys or anything but if your organization has a CA then you can simplify things but getting them to approve ("sign") your certificates which could make things simpler from a management point of view.