Mysql – What are the options for any SQL Multi Master Master replication


I am looking for a proper way to do Multi Master Master replication.

I am currently using MySQL but open to switching to Postgres or Oracle if needed.

So far the only solution I find is tungsten-replicator from Continuent. Looking for similar or alternatives.

This will be used to synch 30-50 nodes in an asynchronous setting (nodes may be disconnected several hours at a time).

Thank you.

Best Answer

We've been doing multi-master replication on MySQL for a while, and it works great as long as you understand and can plan around/be prepared for the potential pitfalls. Be diligent about the auto-increment-offset, and auto-increment-increment replication settings (not as important if your app uses only GUIDs or some other manual keyfield assignment), and understand how row-based vs. statement-based vs. mixed replication will work with your app.

Alternatively, if you're interested in synchronous replication look into MariaDB Galera Cluster, which is maturing rapidly.