N alternative to WSUS for Windows 7 updates


I have a small computer lab to set up. At this point there are 6 machines. Another 14 will be added later.

We don't have any servers in the building; the whole business network is a workgroup.

Each lab machine has Windows 7 pre-installed. When we start one up for the first time it wants to download a large slab of updates. If all 6 machines do that, that will blow a huge hole in our download allowance (read SME in Australia.) If we do the same for the following 14 we'll be shaped back to dial-up speeds until the beginning of the ISP's next accounting period.

Is there a mechanism available which would make possible the one-time download of these updates and then the application of them to the whole lab? Or am I going to be forced to purchase a server version of windows (e.g. 2K8) so that I can do WSUS?

Best Answer

Hope this helps. http://www.wsusoffline.net/