Nagios alert “ESX3 Critical – Error: Cannot complete login due to an incorrect user name or password” after changing root password via vSphere


I currently just inherited Nagios administration after an employee was let go a couple of days ago. As part of our procedures for exiting employees, we changed passwords for all accounts the employee had access to. I proceeded to change the root password for our ESXi servers via the vSphere Client. After doing so, Nagios started displaying alerts in regards to services not being able to be checked due to an incorrect user name or password. After hours of research, I have been left to ask for help on here.

Currently, I have no idea as to where the problem resides. I have checked the configuration for all the services on Nagios related to those ESXi hosts and there's no indicator of where I'd be able to update those services checks using the updated credentials. The same goes for the ESXi hosts. I've only looked through the vSphere Client settings, Nagios Web Interface, and the Nagios VM we are using. Can anyone please guide me as to where I could go to remediate this dilemma of mine? Thank you for your time.

Best Answer

I don't know which linux distro you're running Nagios under, but if you're using this plugin to check ESXi, this information would be in one of the definition files that's probably in /etc/nagios or /etc/nagios3, or a subdirectory. (Is it in commands.cfg?) Look for an entry like

./ https://myesxi:5989 root password

(If you're not using that particular plugin, well, it's probably in either one of those directories or in whatever your server's equivalent of /usr/lib/nagios/plugins is.

(P.S. There are more VMware plugins here. If the above one isn't what you're using, maybe one of those is.)