Nagios check for service not if host is up


I'm looking for a little direction on this one. We have 8 mobile servers, and at anytime one can go offline and be moved to a different location. I don't want Nagios to send me an alert if a system goes offline. I would like it to just send an alert on a service, CPU gets to hot, etc. I have everything working fine as of right now, apart from the fact that I get alerts when the system goes down.

As I said these servers are online and offline constantly over the course of a two week period. So getting a message at 3:00AM on a Saturday telling me a system is offline, I can care less about. I'm more concerned about something overheating. So any advice would be appreciated on how to tackle this?

Best Answer

You probably want to switch off host notifications, rather than host checks. Nagios only alerts on service failures if it thinks the host is up; if you switch off host checks then you will get a flood of service notifications when the host goes away.

To switch off host notifications, set notification_options to n like this:

define host {
    use                    generic-host
    host_name              example
    notification_options   n

(assuming you have a definition of generic-host somewhere else)

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