Nagios configuration that only notifies 1x down and then only notifies the recovery


Currently I have Nagios up and running and it notifies me by email of events.

I would like to know the configuration change that I have to make, so that I will only be notified 1 time of a server going down and then only another email when it is up again.

At the moment when I server is down, I get an email every 30 minutes telling me that it is down, and I am only interested in knowing when it is up again (recovery).

I would like to know the change that I have to make in the configuration files manually. I don't use and don't want to use a fancy front-end.

Best Answer

In your host definition, set notification_interval to 0:

define host{
    use                     generic-host
    host_name               example
    notification_interval   0

You can see the available configuration options for a host here:

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