Nagios define service for nrpe command in Windows environment


I'm trying to configure Nagios to monitor our network which is all Windows based. I'm totally new to it, so please forgive my naiveness. Fact is: I'm banging my head over a task.

What I want to achieve is having Nagios tell me whether a remote service/process is running or not.
I have NSClilent++ installed and working on a client machine. In fact, if I execute the following code from command line in the Nagios server it works:

check_nrpe -H [ip_of_NSClient++] -c check_service -a 'service=[service_name]' "critical=state = 'stopped'"

My question is: how can I define aservice in the [host].cfg file to invoke the command above?

Right now I have this defined in my commands.cfg file:

   define command {
   $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c $ARG1$ -a $ARG1$

Which works to invoke simple services like [check_cpu] or [check_disk] but no more than that.

All the attempts I've done so far always led to(I think) erratic error messages, like:

  • (No output on stdout) stderr: Could not resolve hostname $: Name or service not known.
  • CHECK_NRPE: Invalid packet type received from server.

Best Answer

There's a specific check buit in nrpe client for Windows service

It is:

check_command        check_windows_service!"<display name of the service>"

You have to enter the display name of the service as it appears in windows service manager.