Nagios not sending emails when a service recovers


I have set up Nagios with chef. It's accurately monitoring things. When a service/host has a problem, I get an email and jabber message, which is exactly how I have configured it.

However when the service/host recovers, I don't get anything. No email or jabber message. The nagios website updates to show that the service/host is OK, I just got no recovery emails. My nagios website lists the notifications it's sent, and they are all problem notifications. There is no record there of any recovery emails.

What can cause this? Is there a different nagios setting for recovery_notification_command?

Best Answer

Presumably, you don't have r in the notification_options in your host config, host template, contact config, etc. If nagios doesn't even show recovery notifications in the logs, this is likely it.

BTW, for hosts, one of the options is u. That doesn't mean up as you might expect, it means unreachable, a special state when a host's parent is down. You can opt to choose not to receive those, because if your router is down, you know that everything below it is down too. This is unrelated to you question, but perhaps good to know :)

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