Nagios notification mail after that a service failed for more than N minutes


like in the title
I would like to receive the alert from nagios only if a service
keep failing for more than 10 minutes in a row.
Which macro or parameters I've to change?
I am on debian 6 and my nagios version is 3.2.1

Best Answer

It's not that simple. You should refer to the Object Definitions docs and the State Types docs.

The length of time until a service notification goes out is a factor of check_interval, retry_interval, max_check_attempts, (and possibly first_notification_delay). There may also be escalations to consider.

Simplistically, if your check_interval is 5 and your retry_interval is 1, a max_check_attempts of 5 will get you close to "more than 10 minutes in a row".