Nagios Statistics for Notifications/Alerts


We have had our Nagios installation up for a year, and we are now required to give some statistics on how much it has worked and what it has done in the environment. As such, I was wondering if anyone knows if Nagios also holds data records on how many alerts and notifications it sends out? I am not necessarily looking for reports on what it alerted on, but just some raw statistics for a powerpoint.
Can I extract how many notifications and alerts Nagios has produced in it's existence or between certain dates?

Best Answer

open up your nagios console

  • Select Reports > Alerts > Summary
  • Under Custom Report Options, Set Report Type to "Alert Totals" (or one of the options like this for finer grained reporting
  • Set the Report Period to "* CUSTOM REPORT PERIOD *"
  • Set the start date and end dates appropriately
  • Apply any other filters that you would like (hostgroups, hosts etc)
  • It is not necessary to adjust Max List Items as this report is quite short.
  • Click on Create Summary Report


This is valid for Nagios 3.2.0

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