Nagios vs Icinga: which should I use


I'm looking to install a server monitoring application on my web server (CentOS, LAMP setup). After some reading, it seems that Nagios is the most popular solution, but it was forked to Icinga a year or so ago. Which should I use? Is Nagios still actively developed? Are Nagios plugins compatible with Icinga? Is configuration still a nightmare in Icinga? (this seemed to be the major complaint against Nagios). If you've used both, what are the pros/cons of each?

Best Answer

I would recommend taking a look at Icinga. It's a very active spark of nagios with regular updates. On top of that, it's 100% compatible with nagios-plugins.

The advantage of Icinga is that the make one API available to talk with, instead of a bunch of them. In Nagios you can get info from the Core, Cache, NDOMod, NDO2DB, the MySQL DB, Command line,...

Icinga also has a beautiful and easy-to-use web interface. You can also use NConf with it, which is awesome. Here is a video explaining the differences:

(It's from Icinga, so it might be a bit biassed)

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